
Gönguleiðir á íslensku



Fjall4 Hringleid
30 min. 155 m 3 km   Boots  Lundiklar  Fjolskylda1

The walk starts in Klauf and you walk up hill to the west towards the bird watching house. Continue along the cliff to Kaplapyttar and south of Stórhöfði towards Lambhilla. From there, head east towards Höfðahellir, which is man-made, although it has collapsed considerably in recent years. And finally walk back towards Klauf.

Stórhöfði is the southernmost point of Heimaey. There is a lot of bird life there, and right next door is a bird watching house. The view of Heimaey to the north is exceptionally beautiful and on the south-west side of Stórhöfði there is also a magnificent view of the nearby islands.

On Stórhöfði is the southernmost and also one of the oldest lighthouses in the country Stórhöfðaviti, which has been in use since 1906.

At Stórhöfði there is a meteorological observatory which is said to be the windiest meteorological station in Europe. Many weather records have often been set there, but for example the lowest land pressure on land in Europe has been measured.

During the Second World War, there were Nissen huts at Stórhöfði where soldiers from various nations were based where it was convenient to monitor sea and air travel in the southernmost point of Iceland.

The hike is ideal for families and those who do not have much experience of mountain hiking.

You are at your own risk.


Jafnlaunavottun Learncove