
Gönguleiðir á íslensku


Dalfjall og Eggjarnar

Fjall4 A - B
1 hr. 220 m 2.3 km   Boots Boots Boots Lundiklar

The walk starts in Herjólfsdalur. You hike up Dalfjall and along Eggjar to the east towards Há, and up to Moldi. From there you walk down towards Sprangan where the hiking trail ends. To walk from Sprangan back to Herjólfsdalur takes 15 min.

Dalfjall is a 150 meter high mountain that runs from east to west and forms Herjólfsdalur, from which the mountain takes its name.

The westernmost part of the mountain comes together in a ridge called Blátindur which is 273 meters high.

To the east of the mountain is a small ravine that separates Dalfjall from Moldi to the south.

The upper part of Dalfjall to the north is called Eggjar and the combined elevation has reached 220 meters, below that is Saltaberg on the south side and Ufsaberg on the north side.

In Herjólfsdalur, Þjóðhátíð has been held annually since 1901, during the war years 1914 and '15, in the eruption of 1974 and 2020 due to covid exceptions.

Note that it is forbidden to have dogs in Herjólfsdalur.

You are at your own responsibility.


Jafnlaunavottun Learncove